Best Snacks to Stay Fit !!

You will be having a desire to look sexy for which you might be tracking many diets plans. Many studies have shown that eating three main meals with two-three low calorie snacks in small quantity is more beneficial in reducing weight as it keeps the metabolism high.
By eating every three hours, your metabolism will stay high and you will burn more calories.

So here is list of top 7 snacks which will keep you fit and interested !! 
  Idli:  This famous Indian dish is low in fat and high in carbohydrates and proteins and is an awesome tuck. It’s easy to digest, and very tasty. They are made up of rice so they are gluten-free (since no wheat). So, they can also be safely eaten by people sensitive to gluten.

    Boiled egg: Snacking on Hard-boiled eggs will provide you with outstanding source of protein. They are damn easy to prepare and protein will fill you up so will control your hunger too.

   Fruits:  A perfect chow and will gratify your sweet longing without adding too much calories to your diet. Plus they are rich source of many Vitamins which will keep your metabolism in good shape.

      Vegetable salads: Besides providing less calories they 
      add that crispy zest to the food. Salad dressing using olive oil or lemon etc. will make your food tasty too.

Tofu: .Eating tofu raw by adding some spices and herbs will pack a punch by giving you large amount of iron, and little fat.

Nuts: Nuts are high in (monounsaturated Fatty Acid)
and also an excellent source of protein, vitamins and minerals such as calcium, copper, zinc, selenium, and folic acid. Nuts also provide soluble fiber. If eaten in moderation they can serve as one of the best snacks that provides essential nutrients without adding extra calories.

Sprouted Pulses: Now a days you can get them at any supermarket. Just mix half cup of sprout pulses with a chopped onion, some tomatoes and green chilies (as per taste) with lemon squeezed over it. Viola!! Your taste buds are served good!
