An Apple a Day.. Keeps Fat Away..!!

When an apple blossoms, it tells its own story, the story of the sunshine that smiled upon it, of the winds that whispered to it, of the birds that sang around it, of the storms that visited it, and of the motherly tree that held it and fed it until its petals were unfolded and its form developed.
~ Lucy Larcom

Research by scientists at Washington State University, US, have discovered that non-digestible compounds found in apples may help disorders linked to obesity. Their findings were centered on the variety of apples known as "Granny Smith". This green apple, known for its tart flavor, topped the class amongst all tested varieties – Braeburn, Fuji, Gala, Golden Delicious, McIntosh, and Red Delicious.

The non-digestible content of the apples tested is thought to encourage the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. Head researcher of the study, 'GiulianaNoratto', found in a Study that the non-digestible compounds found in Granny Smith apples changed the ratio of intestinal bacteria in obese mice and these became similar to that of lean mice. Bacterial communities in the colon of obese individuals are unbalanced, leading to microbial byproducts that are responsible for inflammation and metabolic disorders.

Granny Smith is one of the several apple cultivars that are high in antioxidant activity, and they boast the highest concentration of Phenols amongst the apple breeds. 

Some sources recommend Granny Smiths (among other apples) as a particularly efficient source of antioxidants, particularly the flavonoids, cyanidin, and epicatechin, especially if eaten with the skin intact. Granny Smiths are also naturally low in calories and high in dietary fiber and potassium, making them commonly recommended as a component of a healthy and weight-loss diet.

Noratto said the discovery could help to prevent some disorders associated with obesity. These include low-grade chronic inflammation, a precursor to diabetes. By re-establishing a healthy bacterial balance, metabolic processes that cause inflammation and satiety are returned to baseline.

So, go and enjoy that Apple and let that love handles melt away..!!
