Crispy about Calcium..!!

When the body is short on calcium, it steals the mineral from your bones. Unless we constantly replenish our supply of calcium, drop by drop, our bones become thinner from depleting our calcium savings account. 
It's like living.

~ Robert Heaney

Few Interesting Calcium measure in your day to day food..!!

  • Consuming three cups of dairy products each day should provide you with enough calcium. 
  • One cup fluid milk has 300 mg calcium.
  • One cup plain yogurt has 488 mg calcium.
  • Two ounces of cheddar cheese has 400 mg calcium.
  • Two ounces of blue cheese has 300 mg calcium.
You can increase your dietary dairy calcium intake a few ways !!

  • Add dry milk powder to soups and sauces.
  • Use low- or non-fat milk in smoothies.
  • Eat low- or non-fat yogurt as a snack or for dessert.
  • Top cooked vegetables with cheese.
  • Add a slice of cheese to a sandwich.
  • Pasteurization doesn't change the calcium content of dairy products
  • Choose low-fat or non-fat milk and dairy products when possible. Dairy products are rich in calcium, but they can also be high in fat.  
  • Food safety is important too. Keep fresh milk and dairy products in the refrigerator and avoid raw milk.
For those who don't consume dairy products !!
  • Vegans don't consume any form of animal products including milk, cheese or other dairy products.
  • People with lactose intolerance can't digest milk sugar properly, and some people just dont like dairy products. These people can get calcium from non-dairy sources. 
  • Green leafy vegetables, broccoli, whole sardines, soy and other legumes, and nuts.  
Stay Happy..Stay Strong..!!

