New Health Mantra...Eat Early to Stay Healthy...!!

Our body is influenced by our daily rhythms of sleeping and eating. Odd patterns of sleeping and waking because of various lifestyle changes have detrimental health consequences, including diabetes,obesity and metabolic syndrome etc.

So the major question...Is there a good time of day to eat anything you like? 

Answer is....Yes !!

    • Which is more important—what you eat or when you eat? 
      • For example, what would happen if you could only eat between the hours of 9 am and 4 pm? 
    • Would you gain less weight and be healthier overall even if you ate a high fat diet? 
      • Their answer was ..yes..!!

  • Mice were given either a standard, nutritionally-balanced chow or a chow that was high in fat. 
    • Some mice were allowed total access to the food at all times.
    • While some mice were time restricted in access to food.


  • Mice that had time-restricted access to a high fat diet were significantly healthier than the mice given all-day access to the same diet
  • They lost body fat, had normal glucose tolerance, reduced serum cholesterol, increased bile acid production, improved motor function and normal sleep cycles. 
  • Most surprising, the daily caloric intake of all groups did not differ, regardless of their diet or feeding schedule.
So....The carry home message from this study: 
  • Eat early and eat whatever you like but skip dinner and never have late night snacks...!
