Procrastination is very disabling.The task you want to do for a long time grows larger and more horrifying in your mind and it can be overcome with Pomodoro technique.
- By making even the most modest bit of progress on your dreaded task, you have done what once seemed impossible.
- Setting a timer and Beating Procrastination can get help you jump over those imposing first steps. The Pomodoro Technique crafted by Francesco Cirillo in 1992 offers a patterned system to help you beat the deadline-related anxiety.
- Choose a task to be achieved
- Set the Pomodoro to 25 minutes (the Pomodoro is the timer)
- Work on the assignment until the Pomodoro buzzes, then put a check on your sheet of paper.
- Follow it with a short break (5 minutes is OK)
- After every 4 Pomodoros take a Longer break.
- Want to check it out, but lack a cutie timer? The free Focus Booster App is a Pomodoro-centered timer app, available as a free webapplication to help you time and regulate your own "Pomodoros."
All the best ..You have just beaten this Procrastination..!!
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