How to Drive Safely..few tips..!!

Anyone driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac but road sense is the offspring of courtesy and the parent of safety.

Drivers Attitude: A driver must be able to develop and demonstrate an attitude that recognizes mistakes made or that will happen by other users, shows concern for other drivers or pedestrians.

Drivers Behaviour: The behaviour of a driver also matters a lot. 
Speed thrills but kills.
  • Speed increases the likelihood of crashing.
  • It reduces the amount of available time needed to stop the vehicle.
  • Reduces the ability of the driver to steer safely around curves.
  • Speed increases the severity of a crash once it occurs.
Alcohol and Speeding are a Deadly Combination.
  • Research in the USA has indicated that a much higher percentage of intoxicated drivers who were involved in fatal crashes, were speeding than sober drivers involved in fatal crashes.
  • Young male drivers are most likely to be involved in fatal accidents where speeding and alcohol are prevalent
Drivers Concentration: Concentration on the road is vital to keep safe and protect others.
  • Keeping the eyes moving to keep track of what’s happening in your surroundings all the time a small distraction can lead to a crash or collision that can be minor or major.
Know the signs of Fatigue
  • Sleep has a way of creeping up on you when you’re behind the wheel and that can result in the dreaded micro-nap — drifting off for a few seconds while you’re driving.
Watch for these warning signs.
  • Your eyes are burning, your vision gets blurry or you can’t focus.
  • You have wandering, disconnected thoughts
  • You find it hard to keep your head up.
  • You can’t stop yawning.
  • If you experience even one of these, pull over to a safe spot and sleep.
  • Short naps of up to 20 minutes have been shown to increase alertness and stamina.
Families should practice the following safety tips on every ride:
  • Buckle up every time, no matter how short the trip.
  • Back seat is generally the secure place for a child to ride. While air bags can save lives, kids riding in the front seat can be badly injured or killed when an air bag comes out in a crash. Even with      sophisticated air bags or no air bags, the back seat is safer for children.
  • Never put a rear-facing child in a front seat with an active frontal air bag.
  • Select the right child safety seat or safety belt for your child’s size and age. 
  • Infants should ride in rear-facing safety seats as long as possible, until they are at least 12 months old and weigh at least 20 pounds.
  • Once the vehicle safety belts fit children, both lap and shoulder belts should be used correctly.
5Es strategy: Many speed related crash reduction efforts try to utilize the namely
    • Education,
    • Enforcement,
    • Empowerment,
    • Engineering and
    • Evaluation.
In the end I would quote these words of Cary T. Grayson.. "We are not proving ourselves spiritually worthy of our material progress. We have not been neighborly, courteous, and kind upon the highway.  Our lack of decency toward our fellow men is a definite black mark against us."

so....Driving a brand new car feels like driving around in an open billfold with the dollars flapping by your ears as they fly out the window but...
Never drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.....!!!!
